View Full Version : Need for attention to Haitian migration

11-22-2006, 05:40 PM
Coincidentally, the president of the InterAmerican Press Association, Miguel Guerrero comments in his column in El Caribe today on what he describes as the lack of attention of the government to the matter of illegal Haitian migration. He points out that the InterAmerican Human Rights court has already condemned the Dominican state for denying citizenship to two descendents of Haitians born in the DR, and just a week ago the US Congress imposed what he describes as a severe political and moral blow by honoring Haitian rights activist Sonia Pierre with the Robert Kennedy Human Rights Award. Referring to Sonia Pierre, Guerrero comments that rarely ever before has a person had so much success in erecting barriers between the two countries. He mentions that she has taken the most atrocious complaints to international organizations forging an image of the country as a racist society, only second to South Africa. "Most of the claims lack fundament but that matters little to the developed nations that wish to wash their hands of their responsibility with the poorest nation in the continent," he comments. Furthermore, he mentions that when a Dominican group implemented a tetanus vaccination program in one of its free zone installations in Quanaminthe, at the other side of the border with Haiti, Mrs. Pierre was part of an international movement that denounced this as a criminal plan to sterilize the Haitians, when it was truly an unprecedented social program. He adds that the tetanus program was an excellent opportunity for Pierre to strengthen her discredit campaign against a country like ours that has been refuge to hundreds of thousands of Haitians that have found opportunities here that their own country did not provide.

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