View Full Version : Cheap politics affects the energy sector

11-22-2006, 05:40 PM
Prominent businessman Antonio Isa Conde, who is also one of President Fernandez's advisors, lashed out at cheap politics as a major part of the current electricity crisis. Speaking at a breakfast meeting organized by the American Chamber of Commerce in Santo Domingo, Isa Conde said that the first step in making the energy issue more transparent is to de-politicize the different proposals as well as the government's negotiating team. Anything else will, in his opinion, only contribute to the contamination of the whole process. He questioned the role being played by the CDEEE, especially as it administers energy purchase and sale contracts. He said that he favored the government's shedding of the entity that administers the hydroelectric dams and the transmission lines. Isa Conde also suggested the return of EdeSur and EdeNorte to the private sector and their total independence from what he called "clientelism" which is reflected in the increase in the payrolls and the greater amount spent on subcontracts.
When most of the roles of the CDE were privatized, most of the jobs were not removed. On the contrary, the new CDEEE added jobs in response to demands for political patronage.

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