View Full Version : Farewell, Hertell

11-23-2006, 02:20 PM
US Ambassador to the Dominican Republic Hans H. Hertell announced at yesterday's American Chamber of Commerce that his term would be over in 2007, but his farewell words weren't all positive. The Ambassador, who has been in the country for five years, used the address to complain that in the five years he has been in the country little progress has been made on resolving several of the nation's biggest problems, especially the electricity issue. Hertell, quoted in Listin Diario, criticized the lack of respect for the legal and judicial system in the country. The Ambassador pointed the minimum wage work program (PEME) case as an example, saying that when he took on the position as ambassador two years ago three former officials from Leonel Fernandez's first administration were sent to prison, but to the surprise of some, or none, a ruling on the case was never handed out. He spoke of his frustrations about the country's delay in entering DR-CAFTA. On the positive side, he stated that US imports could cost 20% less once DR-CAFTA goes into effect. He attributed the delay to a lack of "political will," namely the passing of a government procurement bill.
Hertell also voiced concern about continuous procrastination in taking decisions in government. "If to achieve results there has to be total consensus, then the country and the political system run the risk of never getting anything done," he warned.

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