View Full Version : Modernizing the JCE

11-24-2006, 03:00 PM
During his inauguration speech as president of the Central Electoral Board (JCE), Julio Cesar Castanos Guzman said that the JCE needs to move into the era of technology and has planted the seed of moving the electoral process into the future. Castanos said that the civil registry and the electoral process need to move forward and become more efficient, but said that the process needs to be carried out at a slow enough pace for the Dominican public to become accustomed to it, and so that the system can be put in place properly. Castanos estimates the process to take about 10 years to finalize, but that pilot programs need to be conducted first.
Yesterday the nine new Central Electoral Board (JCE) judges and their substitutes were sworn in by Senate leader Reynaldo Pared Perez, and after the end of the ceremonies the new judges swiftly headed towards the JCE to begin their new jobs. All the judges who were chosen took the oath, including Aura Celeste Fernandez, who had been subject of much talk in the days leading up to her selection for the JCE, as she had opposed that incumbent judges stay on the job. Only one judge, PLD ruling party's representative, Roberto Rosario was confirmed. Fernandez clarified that she never intended to resign her post as a judge, merely that she was just considering it, and that since she has now been selected to the JCE she will resign from her post at the School of Public Ministry.
In other JCE news, replacement judge Rafael Diaz Filpo has decided not to take his position as a substitute on the JCE because he thought he should have been voted to one of the nine JCE posts. As quoted in Listin Diario, Diaz claims that he was chosen by the PRD, with a vote of 22 to 18, to be one of the nine JCE judges. He was voted a substitute judge.

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