View Full Version : Africa in the Caribbean

07-18-2011, 05:30 PM
The Presence of Africa in the Caribbean, the Antilles and the United States is a conference taking place at Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (Funglode) headquarters in Santo Domingo, from Monday, 18 July through Wednesday, 20 July. 20 speakers from the DR and abroad will focus on the "African contributions to Caribbean culture." A chapter of the PBS documentary African-American Lives that focuses on Latin America by Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. of Harvard University will be shown. Historian Frank Moya Pons, president of the Dominican History Academy, Ramona Hernandez of City College of New York (CUNY), Russel Rickford (Dartmouth University), Melina Pappademos (University of Connecticut), and Patrick Bellegard (University of Wisconsin) will be taking part.

A special cultural performance featuring native African music and dance will be held midway through the Conference on 19 July.

Traces of the Trade: A Story from the Deep North, a documentary depicting the story of the largest slave-trading family in the United States will be screened at the end.

www.globalfoundationdd.org/gfdd/fulltext.asp?t=a&id=8136 (http://www.globalfoundationdd.org/gfdd/fulltext.asp?t=a&id=8136)

www.pbs.org/aboutpbs/news/20050713_africanamericanlives.html (http://www.pbs.org/aboutpbs/news/20050713_africanamericanlives.html)

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