View Full Version : Education to go with breakfast cereal

07-19-2011, 02:00 PM
The Ministry of Education plans to change the school breakfast program from bread and cakes to breakfast cereal, and the news has the country's small bakers up in arms.

The head of the Small Bakers Union, Hector Delgado, told El Caribe reporters that the bakers comply with the ministry's requirements and that they do not understand this treatment.

Delgado pointed out that the small and medium-sized bakeries that supply the breakfast program for the nation's public schools also provide 60,000 direct jobs that would be endangered if the Ministry switches from bread and cupcakes to breakfast cereal.

The head of the Small and Medium-sized Business Confederation also noted the negative effect such a measure would have on employment in the sector. He said that the small and medium business sector provides 28% of the nation's GDP and the fact that most of the nation's workers are employed in the sector.

Both groups are waiting for a chance to talk with Education Minister Josefina Pimentel.

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