View Full Version : President inaugurates bridges and roads

07-20-2011, 06:40 PM
President Leonel Fernandez continued his tour of the country inaugurating public works, this time in Puerto Plata. Those attending demanded more public works.

The President cut ribbons for four bridges and several roadways in Luperon, Puerto Plata which cost RD$700 million. According to Hoy newspaper the bridges cross the Bajabonico, the Mango de Yasica, Vuelta Larga along the highway between Imbert and Luperon and over the Unijica River in Villa Isabela. All that money also rebuilt four kilometers of roadway from Isabela to Estero Hondo, Punta Rucia and Ranchito de los Vargas.

After a blessing by the Bishop of Puerto Plata, the provincial governor gave thanks to the President and told the nation's leader how the new roadway will solve so many daily problems for school children and adults. A resident of El Estrecho also thanked the President.

Public Works Minister Victor Dias Rua told the audience that in answer to many requests for residents of Puerto Plata, the ministry will undertake the repair of the wharf and harbor so that it can be used by cruise liners. He said that the tender would be announced in the newspapers in a few days time.

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