View Full Version : Municipalities reject budget cuts

07-22-2011, 11:40 AM
The Federation of Dominican Municipalities (Fedomu) has rejected the 12% budgetary cuts announced by the government as a measure to reduce the Fernandez administration deficit. Following a meeting yesterday of the country's municipalities, Victor D'Aza, spokesman for the organization, described the cuts as "paradoxical and unacceptable." He said the municipalities' cash flow had already been hurting because the funds they receive have been stagnant for five years. He said overall the municipalities received a fixed amount of RD$14.98 billion, and many receive 500,000 to 1,000,000 million pesos a month. He warned that municipalities could collapse along with the garbage collection service. The current cholera epidemic demands more hygiene, not less, he added.

D'Aza said that they visited the Congressional Municipal Affairs Commission, chaired by Pedro Aguirre, who assured him that the deputies would vote to exclude the municipalities from the 12% cut proposed by the Executive Branch, as reported in El Dia.

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