View Full Version : President Fernandez's speech

07-25-2011, 01:40 PM
With the Presidential chair and the image of party founder Juan Bosch, known for his anti-corruption stand, behind him, President Leonel Fernandez put on his hat as president of the ruling PLD party and gave his first campaign speech in support of PLD presidential candidate Danilo Medina Sunday evening. Recent polls show Medina is lagging behind the PRD presidential candidate, former President Hipolito Mejia.

Into his seventh year in government, President Fernandez focused on the former government of President Mejia (2000-2004), blaming that administration and external factors for the economic difficulties in the Dominican Republic. He blamed the electricity sector difficulties and investment stagnation on the signing of the Madrid Accord during the Mejia administration.

Fernandez compared his government to Mejia's, highlighting as an achievement that his presidency had signed two agreements with the IMF and had passed 14 reviews, while in his four years in government, Mejia was only able to get the IMF to approve one review of a Stand-by arrangement.

Leading PLD party members and many high-ranking government officials, including Felix Jimenez, Julio Cesar Valentin, Radhames Segura, Jaime David Fernandez, Francisco Javier Castillo and Reynaldo Pared Perez, flanked President Fernandez as he warned the Dominican people that to vote for Hipolito Mejia would be to repeat a "disastrous destiny."

He said another Mejia government would be a case of "every man for himself," as quoted in El Caribe. He said a PRD victory would plunge the DR into an economic crisis of great proportions.

During the campaign event, he announced his decisive support for the PLD presidential candidate, Danilo Medina. Medina and Fernandez had distanced themselves when Medina sought the presidential candidacy as a rival to Fernandez in 2008.

As reported in Listin Diario, President Fernandez said that with the placement of US$500 million in sovereign notes, the disbursement of US$340 million from the World Bank and the IDB and RD$25 billion in local bonds, mentioning the RD$7 billion in bonds recently approved by Congress, the government will meet its debt commitments with the Dominican government's contractors and suppliers.

Fernandez stressed that the latest issue of sovereign bonds at 6.75% is at a much better rate than Mejia's 9.5% in 2001, attributing this to international confidence in the country. He highlighted the fact that during the Mejia presidency the peso to dollar rate was 57, compared to a maximum of 39 to 1 during his presidency. He said that unemployment during the Mejia government was at 18% and now is at 13.9%.

Fernandez announced the start of a major plan to pave streets nationwide and the completion of several avenues and secondary highways under construction in October. He also promised housing projects in 20 provinces.


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