View Full Version : Wikileaks focuses on the military

07-26-2011, 02:20 PM
The latest WikiLeaks cables released by Noticias SIN have brought military personalities and cases that were vox populi for months but had been forgotten back under the local media spotlight. Diario Libre says the recent releases provide an insight into the influence the US Embassy has on local affairs. The documents reflect pressures on the Fernandez government regarding high-ranking military and possible appointments.

Hoy newspaper headlines that the US government files dated 2005 and 2008 express US concern about the corruption in the Armed Forces, specifically naming three high-ranking generals n General Hector Medina y Medina, General Manuel de Jesus Florentino Florentino and General Rafael Bencosme Candelier.

General Hector Medina y Medina has served as Chief of the Presidential Military Aide's Corps (CAM) of the Presidency.

Retired General Manuel de Jesus Florentino Florentino is director of Border Development Directorate. He was chief of the National Intelligence Directorate (DNI) at the time of the arrest and deportation of convicted Dominican drug trafficker, former Army Captain Quirino Paulino Castillo in a joint DEA and Dominican government operation.

Retired General Rafael Bencosme Candelier served as Metropolitan Transport Authority chief. Press reports at the time covered the news story that his US visa had been revoked.

A document filed by US Ambassador Hans Hertell, dated 11 de February 2005 focuses on convicted drug trafficker Quirino Paulino Castillo:


7. (C) Speaking of the recent arrest of retired Captain Quirino Paulino Castillo for drug trafficking, Fernandez said that the case had taken the country by surprise. Fernandez commented that it is often impossible to know what a person is truly like. During his campaign the president personally heard very positive comments about Paulino. He noted that he hopes for Paulino's prompt extradition without mishaps. He promised to try to ensure adequate security for Paulino while his extradition request is pending a Supreme Court decision.

Concerns about Dominican Intelligence Chief.

8. (S) The Embassy raised problems with the National Intelligence Directorate (DNI) under the leadership of Retired General Manuel de Jesus Florentino y Florentino, and led a frank discussion concerning questions about Florentino's competence and personal integrity, as well as information linking Florentino to Paulino. The President noted that during his first term Florentino had served as his Secretary of the Armed Forces and had headed the presidential security guard as well. Fernandez had seen him as a serious, and correct officer and said that he had not known of any association by Florentino with drug trafficking. The president seemed to acknowledge Embassy arguments, however and agreed to remove Florentino soon at a less politically volatile moment, and sought Embassy input on his replacement".

In a cable from 2 May 2008, the Embassy comments that President Fernandez removed the chief of intelligence and two other high officials from their posts, among those known to be corrupt, and three possible promotions that had caused serious worry for the United States and did not take place: General Hector Medina Medina was not named Minister of the Armed Forces, General Rafael Bencosme Candelier was not named Chief of Police, and Jose Munoz Moncion, a retired admiral, was not chosen as Navy chief of staff.

Ambassador Robert Fannin writes in the summary dated 27 August 2008:

"... Post has continuing concerns regarding the security services: The President "confirmed" Medina Medina in his current position as the Chief of the Presidential Military Aide's Corps (CAM), where he will continue to have a powerful influence on the President's military decisions (particularly regarding personnel). Munoz Moncion was appointed as Commander of the Las Calderas Navy Base, located in a principal region of drug trafficking activity. Host nation assets based at Las Calderas are the ones which should respond to maritime drug deliveries from South America. Maj. Gen. Manuel Florentino Florentino, an individual with whom Post has serious concerns regarding illegal activity (Ref D), was appointed head of the Frontier Development Directorate, where opportunities for graft related to the Haitian border are significant. At the National Directorate for Intelligence, the cooperative Director Sigfrido Pared Perez has been replaced by Maj. Gen. Ramon Aquino Garcia, whose record is more neutral. On a potentially more positive note, Bencosme Candelier was moved to head the Metropolitan Transport Authority (AMET), where he will presumably have fewer opportunities for nefarious activities".

Read the WikiLeaks documents in Spanish and the original in English at www.noticiassin.com/2011/07/cables-de-wikileaks-revela-militares-dominicanos-vetados-por-ee-uu-presidente-fernandez-planeaba-enviar-tropas-a-irak/ (http://www.noticiassin.com/2011/07/cables-de-wikileaks-revela-militares-dominicanos-vetados-por-ee-uu-presidente-fernandez-planeaba-enviar-tropas-a-irak/)

www.diariolibre.com/noticias_det.php?id=257558 (http://www.diariolibre.com/noticias_det.php?id=257558)

www.7dias.com.do/app/article.aspx?id=70511 (http://www.7dias.com.do/app/article.aspx?id=70511)

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