View Full Version : Spanish prosecutor is in town

07-26-2011, 02:20 PM
The Chief Prosecutor of the National Court of Spain, Javier Zaragoza, says that the Arturo del Tiempo is still in preventive custody for his alleged role in what he described as a "very serious" crime of importing a large quantity of cocaine. Answering questions from Diario Libre reporters after a visit to the office of the District Attorney for the National District, Alejandro Moscoso Segarra, Zaragoza stressed the collaboration between the Dominican and Spanish authorities.

He said that the process would continue in Spain. "The Arturo del Tiempo case is currently undergoing judicial proceedings, which have been going on for four months now, and his situation is the same as before," he said.

Zaragoza said that as soon as there is a verdict against the accused for his alleged role in the crime, he expected that the Dominican authorities would put into play every means at their disposal in order to formally seize the assets that are currently being held provisionally.

He added that the investigation in Spain is being headed by the anti-drug prosecutor assigned to the Office of Barcelona, in the autonomous region of Catalonia, who he described as an excellent professional. He told reporters that they will carry out all of the economic, financial and property investigations necessary, with the aim of finding out just what assets Del Tiempo had in Spain and that are in the hands of alleged third parties.

He noted that the regulations relating to the preventive custody are longer, because they have two years, which can be extended for another two years, for a total of four years of preventive custody. "In this case... with such a serious accusation and such long prison sentences, which could reach 18 or 20 year of prison, the prison deadlines, as a precautionary measure, can go for as long as four years."

Arturo Del Tiempo gained notoriety in the Dominican Republic after his arrest in Valencia for a 1,200-kilo cocaine shipment. In the Dominican Republic he was the promoter of a luxury apartment building, Torre Atiemar. Subsequently, press reports recalled that President Leonel Fernandez himself attended the groundbreaking ceremony for the building highlighting the important foreign investment, along with several government officials. Chief of Police Rafael Guzman Fermin admitted that his father had purchased an apartment in the building that benefited from governmental Banco de Reservas financing, after reportedly being rejected by private banks. Del Tiempo had also been named an honorary policeman in the DR.

www.7dias.com.do/app/article.aspx?id=70648 (http://www.7dias.com.do/app/article.aspx?id=70648)

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