View Full Version : Violence claims almost 600 lives

07-27-2011, 03:00 PM
The violence in the country intensified in the first six months of this year, with 570 homicides, an average of 95 each month. These statistics were compiled by Diario Libre using information from the National Institute of Forensic Pathology, reflecting an increase in crime that is shaking the country. During the same period there were 65 suicides. The main cause of death in the Dominican Republic is homicide, with murders involving firearms in first place and stabbings in second place.

Other causes of homicide are blunt force trauma to the head and other parts of the body. In third place for causes of deaths are accidents and in fourth place are the so-called "natural deaths." The Institute of Forensic Pathology is carrying out six autopsies a day. Among the suicides the number of deaths by firearms is most prevalent, and "they are the ones who shoot themselves in the head to take their lives." This group also includes poisonings and people who leap to their deaths.

May was the most violent month with 103 homicides, most caused by gunshots, the rest involving knives and diverse traumas. This group included several that occurred by strangling, suffocation and hanging. Five suicides were registered during this month. In May, Pathology performed 197 autopsies. In June there were 98 homicides and 12 accidental deaths, seven of them in automobile accidents, one accidental poisoning, a cocaine overdose, two cases of drowning, and one accidental suffocation. In June, the highest number of suicides occurred with eight, two of them by gunshot, three by hanging, one jumped to his death, another took a huge overdose of medicines and threw himself into the water. In June the Institute of Forensic Pathology conducted 187 autopsies, 98 of which were considered homicides.

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