View Full Version : Thieves in the night

11-30-2006, 02:20 PM
The energy distributor EdeEste has informed that the power cables on the Mella, San Isidro, San Vicente de Paul and Las Americas highways are still being stolen, and that the rate of theft is increasing. According to Hoy newspaper, last Monday 1,250 meters of cable wire were stolen on Las Americas highway, while on the same day power cables from the Duarte and Juan Bosch bridges were stolen. Last Friday 850 meters of cable were stolen from the San Isidro highway. Last week 1,700 meters of cable and six streetlights were stolen from San Vicente de Paul Avenue. Hoy reports that EdeEste completed a RD$6 million investment in lighting in September, but since then the cables have continued to disappear. There has been insistent requests for outlawing the buying and exporting of these cables, which as seen as the only measure that will put an effective stop to the unchecked thefts.

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