View Full Version : The high cost of converting to natural gas

08-01-2011, 02:20 PM
A report in Listin Diario reveals that the cost of converting a vehicle to natural gas in the DR starts at RD$63,000 for a four-cylinder vehicle and can reach RD$120,000 for an eight- cylinder vehicle.

As gasoline and diesel prices continue to rise, many people are considering converting their cars or light trucks to run on compressed natural gas (CNG). The pros include the relatively inexpensive cost of CNG, which sells for around half the price of gasoline, and is said to be better for the vehicle and the environment. The main disadvantage is that there are still very few natural gas filling stations, but the government is taking measures to step up their installation. Moreover, in the DR there are no government rebates for private cars, only programs that would help unionized public transport vehicles.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#4)