View Full Version : Emily is likely threat to DR

08-01-2011, 02:20 PM
What would be Tropical Storm Emily has not yet fully developed but weather forecasts say she could be a threat to the Dominican Republic as early as Wednesday. The storm is moving northwest from the Lesser Antilles.

The storm at noon of Mon, 1 August was around 1,450 kms to the ESE of Santo Domingo.

In the past 100 years there has not been a hurricane to affect the Dominican Republic in August, with the exception of David, a Category 5 storm, that hit on 31 August 1979. Storms affecting the Dominican Republic have traditionally hit in September.

Weather forecasters have expressed concern that Emily could strengthen fairly quickly given the warm waters and low shear values in the vicinity and could reach hurricane status by tomorrow, with major rainstorms for mid-week, with risk to lives and property from flash flooding, mudslides and washouts. So far, forecasters are pointing to the likelihood that the storm could cross over the island.

A US Air Force reserve reconnaissance aircraft sent out to investigate the system determined that the disturbance had winds of tropical storm force and that conditions are conduce for a tropical depression or tropical storm to form later today or tomorrow. The storm is expected to become a hurricane during the next 48 hours as it moves west-northwestwards at around 15mph. Regardless of what happens, the system will bring heavy rainfall and gusty winds to the area.

Annual hurricane preparations should be completed.

For weather updates as related to the Dominican Republic, check Mike Fisher's updates at www.dr1.com/forums/weather-beyond/115613-hurricane-season-2011-a-20.html#post994010 (http://www.dr1.com/forums/weather-beyond/115613-hurricane-season-2011-a-20.html#post994010)

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