View Full Version : School could cost parents RD$20,000

08-02-2011, 03:30 PM
An average, middle-class school, for an average, middle-class family could set parents back between RD$15,000 and RD$23,000 pesos per student, a heavy burden and headache for most parents this time of the year. The list of expenditures is headed each year by new textbooks, usually eliminating the possibility of hand-me-down books. Then there are the uniforms and school supplies. A feature in today's El Caribe says that just the four basic texts, Spanish, Mathematics, Social Sciences and Natural Science, cost an average of RD$3,140 for primary school and RD$3,520 at the secondary level. This means that for books, the average expenditure will be somewhere between RD$5 and RD$6,000.

The books needed to be carried to school in a backpack, and the student dressed in a uniform, with shoes, sneakers, gym clothes, T-shirts, notebooks, pencils and pens. At the primary level there is modeling clay, drawing supplies, crayons and such for use in the classroom and at home. Then there are the school fees: Registration, tuition and extra-curricular activities. Some will say that RD$20,000 is still not enough.

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