View Full Version : Special citizenship for Haitian ballplayers

08-03-2011, 04:10 PM
The president of the Dominican Central Electoral Board (JCE) Roberto Rosario says that President Leonel Fernandez can grant special Dominican nationality to outstanding MLB prospects of Haitian origin. Yesterday, El Caribe reported on the plight of many Haitians who have caught the attention of MLB scouts, but who have problems with their identification documents. The main problems are caused by the situation where most Haitians who migrate to the Dominican Republic do not have any civil documentation, and any who are able to obtain this are often affected by irregularities along the way. MLB scrutinizes the documentation to prevent identity fraud, making their recruitment by MLB more difficult.

He mentioned the case of Jose Miguel Sano, who was signed by the Minnesota Twins for US$3 million after a JCE investigation to establish his identity. Rosario said that it is important for foreigners to register themselves in the Libro de Extranjeria, Book of Foreigners - the registry of foreigners born in the Dominican Republic. He said that anyone registered in their book could later receive a certificate that will allow them to sign a MLB contract. He said that these birth certificates do not grant Dominican nationality. He said their purpose was to register the legal acts of foreigners without affecting migratory status.

In the report in El Caribe, several Haitian ball player prospects said the scouts avoid them, fearing involvement in fraudulent signing.

www.elcaribe.com.do/site/deportes/beisbol/beisbol-invernal/283574-los-peloteros-haitianos-pueden-solicitar-nacionalidad-especial.html (http://www.elcaribe.com.do/site/deportes/beisbol/beisbol-invernal/283574-los-peloteros-haitianos-pueden-solicitar-nacionalidad-especial.html)

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