View Full Version : Guillermo Moreno is candidate for 2012

08-08-2011, 02:40 PM
On Sunday, 7 August former district attorney Guillermo Moreno was proclaimed presidential candidate for the Alianza Pais (Country Alliance) minority political party in the 20 May 2012 presidential election. During the ceremony, he called for a national unity government to rid the DR of those responsible for the crisis currently affecting the nation.

Moreno said that the Dominican state had failed, and that all the problems were now greater and deeper rooted. As reported in Listin Diario, Moreno said Dominican institutions did not work and there is a corruption pandemic.

"Most government officials and representatives peddle influences, and participate in state investment and procurement operations".

As reported in Hoy, he commented that according to government statistics there were 1,063 homicides in the first five months of the year, indicative that citizen safety is on the decline.

Moreno also described the pace of borrowing by the government as irresponsible. He said the public debt is now at US$22.5 billion. This is up from US$6.3 billion at the start of the Fernandez administration in 2004. He criticized the way that the government has taken on debt to compensate for the contradictions in its economic model.

Moreno promised a government based on honesty, democracy, justice, sovereignty, productivity and sustainability.

He said that in order to move ahead the convergence of all sectors n political and social n that identify with a change of course and are willing to achieve this would be necessary. He said his political movement is at the service of this needed change.

He said the government needed to decide whether to continue under the traditional political parties that promote themselves as a solution to the same problems they have created.

He stressed the government complicity manifest in the Quirino, Paya, Torre Atiemar and Figueroa Agosto drug trafficking cases, as reported in Hoy.

As reported in Listin Diario, he said that drug trafficking is now a leading employer of young people, a result of the unequal distribution of wealth and social inequality. He said that the governments have handed over our sovereignty to the International Monetary Fund and other international organizations that decide and direct our economy. He criticized the high percentage of foreign labor in farming that has displaced Dominicans, and the fact that we have lost our food sovereignty and are ever-increasingly dependent on imports, many of which could be produced locally.

As reported in acento.com.do, Moreno criticized senators for receiving a minimum of RD$900,000 a month, and deputies RD$600,000 of the so-called "barrilito" fund of taxpayer money that they use to promote political patronage. The political candidate said that widespread corruption corrodes the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches under a blanket of impunity. "Political patronage is responsible for a situation where for a single government role there are up to nine different government institutions that are inefficient. Political patronage is the reason that there are more than 400 vice ministers, most without specific roles, sucking in our taxes as payment for political favors," he said, as reported in acento.com.do

Moreno blamed political patronage for splitting up a 48,000km2 country into 32 provinces, 155 municipalities and 299 municipal districts. He said for every 1,000 kilometers there are on average three municipalities and six district municipalities, and there are another 43 bills in Congress that seek to add new municipalities and district municipalities.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#4)