View Full Version : Export strategy lacking

08-08-2011, 02:40 PM
The president of Dominican Republic Industries Association (AIRD) Ligia Bonetti says that the political will to back Dominican companies in their export efforts does not appear to exist. She said the government's intention seems to be to keep the obligation to pay ITBIS on the import of raw materials and machinery, in violation of the original purpose of Law 392-07 that created Proindustria, an entity for stimulating production for export.

She says the suspension of the law's implementation has cost industries RD$1 billion in ITBIS paid in advance in Customs, which is decapitalizing industries.

"When we opposed the suspension of Law 392-07 we warned that the measure would have no fiscal effect in revenue collections because what Customs retains is practically the same as what the DGII charges. But it has caused the decapitalizing of exporter industries and goods producers," she said, as reported in acento.com.do

Bonetti called for the government to meet its obligation to end the tax provision as of 1 January 2012 and not extend it.

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