View Full Version : Education to try 8-hour days

08-10-2011, 03:50 PM
Beginning with the new school year that starts 17 August, the Ministry of Education will implement an 8am to 4pm school day pilot project in 20 of the nation's public schools. 8,000 students will be monitored at the schools Luis Reyes in Cotui, Don Juan in Monte Plata, El Carmen in Bella Vista, Santiago, El Cafe con Leche in Herrera and Futuro Vivo in Guerra, among others.

During a press conference yesterday, Ministry of Education officials talked about the 2011-12 school year. Education Minister Josefina Pimentel said 2.7 million students are enrolled, including 157,000 new students at more than 5,000 schools.

She added that 44 new schools will open this year. She explained that in just 35 of the new centers, the Ministry has invested more than RD$724 million; in the others, the investment was RD$339 million. Pimentel said the government spent RD325.7 million in the maintenance and refurbishing of 10,176 schoolrooms during the vacation period.

The Ministry of Education plans to make curriculum changes, install libraries in grade school, make adult education more flexible, train the teaching and technical staff and train 1,300 school directors over the next 10 months.

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