View Full Version : Fernandez to decide who are the new judges

08-12-2011, 06:00 PM
President Fernandez and the ruling party have an absolute majority in deciding who the justices of the higher courts in the Dominican Republic will be, as reported in El Caribe.

The 2010 Constitution establishes that the President of the Dominican Republic acts as chair of the National Judicial Council (CNM), the body that selects the judges of the higher courts in the Dominican Republic - the Supreme Court of Justice, the Higher Electoral Court and the Constitutional Court.

The deliberating council members are the President of the Republic, the president of the Senate, a senator chosen by the Senate belonging to a political party different from that of the president of the Senate, the president of the Chamber of Deputies, a deputy chosen by the Chamber of Deputies belonging to a political party different from the one of the president of the Chamber of Deputies, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Justice, an associate justice of the Supreme Court of Justice chosen by the Supreme Court, the Attorney General. The presidents of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies are PLD party members. The President appoints the Attorney General. Furthermore, the PLD holds the majority in Congress when choosing the two opposition party members who sit on the Council.

The CNM is in charge of assessing the performance of the judges of the Supreme Court of Justice to decide if they continue in their posts when they are under 75 years of age.

The Constitution establishes that the 75% of the justices need to come from the judiciary and the remaining 25% from among law professionals, law professors but also members of the Public Prosecutor's Office (Attorney General Office).

The term for the Supreme Court of Justice judges is seven years. They may continue for another term subject to an assessment of their performance by the CNM.

www.elcaribe.com.do/site/nacionales/284556-leonel-domina-el-cnm-con-mayoria-absoluta.html (http://www.elcaribe.com.do/site/nacionales/284556-leonel-domina-el-cnm-con-mayoria-absoluta.html)

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