View Full Version : Gamma Knife radio-surgery at Cedimat

08-12-2011, 05:00 PM
The Center for Advanced Diagnostics and Tele-Medicine, CEDIMAT inaugurated a new Gamma Knife radio-surgery unit yesterday for the non-invasive treatment of brain tumors and other illnesses.

The surgery is performed as outpatient treatment with minimal pain. The new technology, which delivers a dose of gamma radiation to the target with surgical precision, is said to be the most accepted and widely used radio-surgery treatment in the world.

First Lady Margarita Cedeno represented the government. Cardinal Nicolas de Jesus Lopez Rodriguez made the inaugural blessing. The center is located on the sixth floor of Cedimat.

Cedimat, a center located within the Plaza de la Salud public hospital complex, was created to provide prime medical services locally. In the past, Dominicans would have had to travel abroad for these treatments.

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