View Full Version : DR ready for DR-CAFTA

12-08-2006, 02:50 PM
The Dominican Republic is finally ready to enter DR-CAFTA. All that is needed now is for President George Bush to sign off on it. The Ministry of Industry and Commerce issued a statement explaining that President Leonel Fernandez had announced the modification of Law 340-06 regarding public contracting of goods and services, works and concessions, whose articles cover the principles of responsibility, morality and good faith of public servants, as well as the state. The law establishes the limitation of government employees who can contract goods, services, and works projects on behalf of the state. The law also requires for there to be public bidding for contracts when the contracts are worth RD$114.6 million and the acquisition of goods and services costing more than RD$3.8 million. There is also the law on bribery, which defines bribery as any act by a public official who asks for, or receives, additional benefits, while acting on behalf of the government, in order to give a financial benefit to a party. The country also has entered into the International Convention for the Protection of Vegetables (UPOV), as well as the Material Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) and the Budapest Treaty.

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