View Full Version : Italian cocaine shipment intercepted

08-19-2011, 01:30 PM
The Italian authorities have seized a ton of cocaine shipped from Caucedo Multimodal Port, Dominican Republic at the port of Spezio, 78kms from Genoa. The National Drug Control Agency (DNCD) say that the cocaine was shipped by the same criminal network responsible for a recent 419kg shipment (estimated market value US$13 million) packed with a tobacco export seized at Haina Port in Santo Domingo and destined for Spain, two weeks ago. The ton of cocaine had been embedded in a false wall of a container that was loaded with tiles. While the authorities confiscated the first shipments, they decided to follow the second to find out the final destination.

Dominican authorities say the drugs originally came from Colombia and were transported to the DR for shipment to Europe.

The cocaine was uncovered in a joint US, Italian and Dominican operation. The container was spotted and a monitoring device was placed that enabled the authorities to determine that the vessel carrying the container passed through Freeport, Bahamas, then Barcelona, Spain and then the Italian ports of Giogia, Tauro and Naples until arriving in Spezio, where it was confiscated.

The Police in Spezio seized the container, and located the drugs in a space measuring about three feet in width behind a false wall.

As reported in El Dia, the cocaine was marked with several brands, including one with the shape of a scorpion.

The Italian authorities say the drugs were smuggled by the Norte del Valle Colombian cartel.

On Wednesday, the authorities also thwarted the shipment 815 kilos of cocaine to Puerto Rico, linked to the same Colombian cartel.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#10)