View Full Version : Hacker group threatens government

08-22-2011, 03:10 PM
An Internet group named Anonymous announced that on Monday, 22 August it would hack Dominican government websites to make the point that the authorities need to change their investment policies and allocate more funds to education, as reported in acento.com.do

In a YouTube message, Anonymous announced its solidarity with local groups that are calling for increased government support for education. "Education is the future of a country, and if we have to make the economy of the country tremble, we will do so. The people are not scared of the government. The government should be scared of the people. We are Anonymous, a legion, we will not forgive, wait for us," said the group in its message posted on YouTube.

Acento.com.do recalls the hacking of the presidencia.gob.do (http://presidencia.gob.do) website on 3 August, by a group that identified itself as the People's Liberation Front. The front had called for changes in the government so as to serve the poor and eradicate corruption.

www.acento.com.do/index.php/news/6266/56/Hacker-Anonymous-atacara-al-Gobierno-dominicano-este-lunes.html (http://www.acento.com.do/index.php/news/6266/56/Hacker-Anonymous-atacara-al-Gobierno-dominicano-este-lunes.html)



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