View Full Version : Camacho vs. Cruz Pascual

08-26-2011, 05:50 PM
President Leonel Fernandez recently appointed Francisco Cruz Pascual to the post of deputy minister of Education. The appointment of the leading PLD member was met with protests from the president of the Dominican Public School Teachers Association (ADP), PLD legislator Radhames Camacho. He protested that Cruz Pascual headed the public school teacher health plan, ARS Semma that has been said to be rife with corruption.

But Cruz Pascual returned the dig, pointing out the fortune accumulated by Camacho in contrast with the hard life of public school teachers nationwide. As reported in Listin Diario, Cruz Pascual said that it is suspicious that when Camacho looks into the SEMMA conflict he does it only to the six months when he was in charge of the health plan, and not the complete 33 months audited by the Chamber of Accounts.

Maria Teresa Cabrera, a former president of the ADP, also opposed Cruz Pascual's appointment. As reported in acento.com.do (http://acento.com.do), she described the appointment as "unfortunate and misguided". Cabrera, who is a member of the ARS Semma board of directors, said that Cruz Pascual was singled out in the audit carried out by the Chamber of Accounts as having been involved in a RD$500 million fraud at the public school teacher health service provider.

www.acento.com.do/index.php/news/6450/56/Cruz-Pascual-dice-fortuna-de-Camacho-contrasta-con-la-miseria-de-los-maestros.html (http://www.acento.com.do/index.php/news/6450/56/Cruz-Pascual-dice-fortuna-de-Camacho-contrasta-con-la-miseria-de-los-maestros.html)

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