View Full Version : WikiLeaks file updates

08-26-2011, 05:50 PM
Grupo SIN news group has released the latest in its series of confidential files from the US Embassy in the Dominican Republic, sharing insights sent back to the State Department by high-ranking US mission officers on airplane shoot-down legislation, a debt to two US firms, deals with the IMF for the Stand-by arrangement, the Fernandez 2008 election campaign, and the Sunland corruption scandal.

See the Spanish translation and English originals at www.noticiassin.com/2011/08/revelaciones-de-cables-de-wikileaks-sobre-proyecto-de-ley-de-derribo-de-aviones-y-el-caso-sun-land/ (http://www.noticiassin.com/2011/08/revelaciones-de-cables-de-wikileaks-sobre-proyecto-de-ley-de-derribo-de-aviones-y-el-caso-sun-land/)

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#6)