View Full Version : NY hurricane to affect DR

08-26-2011, 05:50 PM
Dozens of flights from New York City to the Dominican Republic could be cancelled if Hurricane Irene follows its forecasted track and flies past New York City. Early reports are describing the storm as the worst to affect the eastern seaboard of the US since 2005.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has already declared a state of emergency as a precaution. Up to 750,000 people could be evacuated in New Jersey.

In New York City, Mayor Michael Bloomberg told residents in low-lying neighborhoods to prepare immediately to escape what could be massive flooding when the storm whips through on Sunday.

Bloomberg reassured residents that for now there was no fear of damage to Manhattan's skyscrapers, as reported in NY1.com

"Big buildings are designed to withstand enormous winds," Bloomberg said. "There's no reason for you to leave a big building."

Nevertheless, Dominicans live in many of the vulnerable areas and could have to evacuate. Washington Heights, home to many Dominicans, is included as one of the areas that could be affected by storm surge.

www.ny1.com (http://www.ny1.com)

www.nyc.gov/html/oem/downloads/pdf/hurricane_map_english.pdf (http://www.nyc.gov/html/oem/downloads/pdf/hurricane_map_english.pdf)

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