View Full Version : Dominican American in Florida election

12-12-2006, 05:20 PM
Today is the run-off election in Kissimmee, Florida (located near Orlando) for the two largest vote-getters in the November 7 city elections. Jaime Matos, a Dominican with strong roots in the Kissimmee/Orlando region, is vying to become the first Latino ever elected to the Kissimmee City Commission and the first Dominican ever in the State of Florida. Under Kissimmee law, a candidate must win 50%+ 1 vote to avoid a run-off and the winner of the November election, Cheryl Grieb (who is not Latino) received 49% of the vote. The election is considered a dead-heat because the Latino community had divided their votes between Jaime Matos (Dominican) and Arturo Otero (another Latino). However the combined vote may help Matos pull off a victory. This is considered to be the closest that a Dominican has come to winning an election in Florida, where thousands of Dominicans reside. It is estimated that 60% of the residents in Kissimmee are Latino, but have never had a Latino representative in the city commission.

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