View Full Version : Politics: Let's put aside the lies

08-29-2011, 03:20 PM
In a course on Political Communication and Journalism sponsored by INTEC and UNIBE universities and the US Agency for International Development (USAID), sociologist Carlos Baez Evertsz warned of the need to fight against the widespread perception that all politicians are demagogues and corrupt, that they are in politics for their own personal interests and those of the party.

As reported in Hoy, Baez said that the vision of politics as politics-show business was based on lies about rival candidates, images and lies in speeches, as well as rumors, defamation and muckraking about opponents.

The political scientist said all these lies discredit politics and citizens feel cheated and abused by politicians.

He called for a return to the days when there was dignity and truth in politics, and for a return of ethics in public life.

"We cannot give in. I have said on several occasions that there is no way out. That it is not true that we can only choose from the less bad candidate. There are hundreds, maybe thousands of citizens with integrity and with the will to serve the country and not serve themselves," he said.

He challenged the perception that lies, cheating and manipulation were the only efficient way to retain power.

He criticized the social programs that he said make people dependent on things they have not earned, and called for them to be eliminated. He said that taxes penalize people who have worked to give those resources to people who have not worked hard.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#9)