View Full Version : Journalists reject Raul Reyes Vasquez

08-30-2011, 04:00 PM
Journalists have criticized lawyer Raul Reyes Vasquez's aspirations to one of the country's higher courts. Reyes is the lawyer who is representing Insurance Superintendent Euclides Gutierrez Felix in his case against journalist Nuria Piera, seeking to intimidate the advertisers of her investigative TV show. President Leonel Fernandez has convened the National Judicial Council to meet on Wednesday, 7 September to pre-select the 34 judges for the Supreme Court of Justice, the Supreme Electoral Court and the Constitutional Court. In a press release, journalists who expressed their solidarity with Nuria Piera said that Reyes Vasquez was representing Euclides Gutierrez Feliz in his case against Nuria Piera.

Piera has been campaigning to end what she describes as an unfair privilege whereby Gutierrez has been allowed to hold RD$3 million (70 monthly bills) in arrears with the power distribution companies. In the DR the norm is for the power companies to shut down the service if the customer is only one day in arrears.

The journalists complain that there is a government offensive against journalists who denounce the corruption and drug trafficking that has permeated Dominican society.

www.acento.com.do/index.php/news/6587/56/Periodistas-acusan-al-vocero-del-Gobierno-de-estigmatizar-a-quien-denuncia-la-corrupcion.html (http://www.acento.com.do/index.php/news/6587/56/Periodistas-acusan-al-vocero-del-Gobierno-de-estigmatizar-a-quien-denuncia-la-corrupcion.html)

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