View Full Version : Onamet watching tropical storm

08-30-2011, 04:00 PM
The National Meteorological Office (Onamet) reported that it is keeping a close watch on a low- pressure trough and Tropical Storm Katia, which formed overnight. Onamet says that the new storm is well to the southwest of the Cape Verde Islands and is on a west-northwest course that should keep to storm to the east of the Dominican Republic. Onamet advised the public to follow the bulletins issued by the agency and the Emergency Operations Center (COE). The COE has issued a green alert for the provinces of San Cristobal and San Jose de Ocoa because of a low-pressure trough that could cause some sudden showers and electrical storms in the northeast, southeast, southwest and the central mountains. The COE said that there are still 2,930 displaced people in government shelters in Ocoa, Santo Domingo and San Cristobal as well as 53 communities cut off and 600 affected houses.

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