View Full Version : PLD politicians coax Gutierrez to pay

08-31-2011, 04:30 PM
Today's newspapers report that in a meeting on Tuesday, the influential Political Committee of the ruling PLD party called on Euclides Gutierrez Felix to end his legal action against journalist Nuria Piera. Piera has broadcast several exposes on the RD$3 million debt Gutierrez owes to his electricity provider EdeSur. As reported in Hoy, PLD political leaders convinced the official to pay his accumulated 70 monthly bills. Gutierrez has sought to legally intimidate advertisers of Piera's TV show.

Last year, a similar legal recourse was carried out by another government official, Hector Rodriguez Pimentel, after TV journalist Alicia Ortega revealed extensive evidence of corruption during his term at the National Hydraulic Institute (INDRHI).

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