View Full Version : More money for JCE, please

12-14-2006, 02:10 PM
The Central Electoral Board (JCE) is asking the executive branch for the disbursal of an extra RD$245 million in order to deal with the deficit at the JCE. The JCE is asking for the money because according to them they have a monthly deficit of RD$22 million and that the disorganization in the payroll and current costs are pushing the JCE towards economic collapse. Robert Rosario, president of the Administrative Chamber, says that the money needs to be handed out as soon as possible and should be independent of the budget assigned to the entity by the national budget. The JCE has an RD$76 million budget although they spend RD$98.6 million, for an RD$22 million monthly budget. Diario Libre reports that the water supply to the JCE central offices was recently cut and that current JCE officials are trying to make deals so that power and telephones don't get disconnected as well. Presidency Technical Secretary Temistocles Montas said that the JCE would not receive the same budget for 2007 as it did in 2006, but failed to clarify whether the JCE will receive in increase in funds, as current law requires.

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