View Full Version : Fernandez in Santiago Rodriguez

09-02-2011, 05:30 PM
President Leonel Fernandez was in the northwest yesterday to attend the inaugural of the water mains feeding from the San Ignacio de Sabaneta aqueduct in Santiago Rodriguez. 16 new communities will now source water from the aqueduct. The government says the works were carried out by the National Institute of Potable Water (INAPA) at a cost of RD$387.5 million. More than 49,000 persons will benefit from the new service in Los Uveros, La Baitoa, Las Aguitas, El Charcaso, el Manantial, Playa Buen Hombre, Los Limones, Copey, El Guayaco, Las Canas, El Cayal, Sabana Cruz, Puerto Rico, Los Conucos and La Brigida at Villa Vasquez, Montecristi.

The new aqueduct servicing Santiago Rodriguez cost RD$184.2 million and is expected to service the area's water supply needs for 20 years.

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