View Full Version : GLP details

12-15-2006, 03:10 PM
In 2006 the government subsidized 311.5 million gallons of liquid petroleum gas (LPG) from a total of 350 million gallons sold. This led to government spending of RD$5,440 million on the product. Information provided by the Industry and Commerce Ministry revealed that 52% is disbursed for domestic use, mainly cooking, while the remaining amount is used by vehicles. El Caribe newspaper writes that the government subsidizes RD$17.35 per gallon of LPG that is consumed by homes and vehicles, but the proposed fiscal reform does not propose to eliminate the LPG subsidy. Presidency Technical Minister Temistocles Montas recently announced that in 2007 the subsidy would be more focused so that it is used appropriately. Industry and Commerce also informed that during 2006 through the Apache program the government will have saved RD$300 million through controls applied to LPG sales. The Apache program was implemented in order to avoid LPG being used for uses other than cooking.

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