View Full Version : Wilton Guerrero told us so

09-09-2011, 02:40 PM
The Senator for Peravia province Wilton Guerrero (PLD) had warned it could happen. El Dia reports that the Court of Appeals of the Penal Court of San Cristobal ordered the release on bail of suspected contract killer Bertinio Solano. Solano is accused of murdering two youths and quartering their bodies in Palenque and Nizao in San Cristobal province last year.

Solano, who is also known under his fake identity of Juan Santos Baez (alias El Lento), was benefited by the decision of the Court of Appeals of San Cristobal made up by judges Felix Maria Matos Acevedo, Cesar Dario Adames Figueroa and Cesar Rene Penalo Ozuna who set his bail at RD$2 million.

As reported in El Dia, "El Lento" and co-accused Ronny Vladimir Frias, who is being held in Najayo jail, are accused of killing Marcos Douglas Figueroa Ferreira and Vladimir Paulino Consuegra, who were beheaded in an action that authorities say was a drug-related execution.

Earlier, Judge Cesar Dario Adames had ordered preventive custody while the case is reviewed.

The coordinator of the Attorney General Office's Asset Laundering Unit, German Daniel Miranda Villalona, called for the Judicial Branch to investigate the appeals court judges indicating there have been frequent claims of corruption in the release of suspects in serious cases, as reported in El Dia. Miranda said the release on bail will affect the development of the case that involves forgery, homicide and asset laundering.

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