View Full Version : Imposter caught, hostages let go

12-19-2006, 03:50 PM
In a scene straight out of movie, last night police officials and a SWAT team saved two children who were being held hostage by a man only identified as "the Major." Hoy reports that the Major had been followed by police from the 45th kilometer of the Duarte Highway and even shot at a patrol vehicle. The Major eventually made his way to Manoguayabo, Santo Domingo where he entered a home and took two children hostage. He was accompanied by two women at the time. After an hour of negotiations the Major agreed to let the children go and turned himself in. The Major, who received the name because he had been seen walking around in military gear, had his Mitsubishi Montero confiscated, along with the military uniforms in his possession and a 9-millimeter gun. No word on where he got the gear or the official military license plate on his SUV. Police Chief Bernardo Santana Paez told Hoy that the Major had been arrested for murder and impersonation in the past, and was wanted in connection with the robbery of a savings and loans branch.

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