View Full Version : Outcome of Santiago crime talks

09-12-2011, 04:30 PM
President Leonel Fernandez convened security and civil society organizations on Saturday to a large meeting in Santiago to discuss crime. The measures that emerged from the talks, as reported in El Caribe, included the President ordering a ban on prison inmates using cell phones. Contract killing is said to be behind 21 murders in Santiago, and the use of cell phones facilitates the action. During the meeting, the government approved the creation of an Operational Intelligence Division and an Asset Laundering Division for the Santiago Prosecutor Office.

During the meeting, businessman Felix Garcia urged the government to adapt the penal code to the times.

In a report on Saturday, El Caribe carried statements from community and religious leaders concluding that crime had increased mainly as a result of public policies that are disconnected from the reality the country is experiencing, resulting in a lack of fair justice, social exclusion and lack of work opportunities.

In the first half of the year there have been 1,229 deaths in the Dominican Republic.

National District prosecutor Alejandro Moscoso Segarra told Diario Libre that the problem of violence goes beyond street crime. He said that drug trafficking and organized crime are behind the higher levels of violence and criminality.

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