View Full Version : The inside story of the meeting

12-20-2006, 04:30 PM
Reporter Kleiner Lopez, who works for Diario Libre, gives an insiders' look at the meeting that resulted in the signing of the social security agreement. According to Lopez, the meeting ended at 11pm, and some of the signatories had complained that Monsignor Agripino Nunez Collado had kept them at work with just candy drops and water since five o'clock in the afternoon. At the end of the session, most of those present were satisfied with the agreement. The finished document was announced at a ceremony at the PUCMM's Santo Tomas de Aquino campus in Santo Domingo. Apparently only the members of the CONEP were on the lookout for "errors" in the document. After the opening remarks by Monsignor Nunez Collado, the finished document was read and due to a typist's error, a paragraph on page two of the document was omitted. This was the paragraph that dealt with the very important issues relating to the Social Security Council and the new members who would substitute the superintendent of health and labor risks and the general manager of the council. Once this point was settled, the 11 industrial, political and labor leaders signed the document, a process that took over half an hour. At last Monsignor Nunez brought out the food: Serrano ham, Brie, grapes, strawberries and rolls.

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