View Full Version : Chief Justice urges judges to use criteria

09-13-2011, 05:20 PM
The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Justice, Jorge Subero Isa, has issued a statement advising judges in the criminal courts to use better guidelines when they are assigning coercive measures. His statement comes after President Fernandez, during his talk on Saturday at the "Panel on Citizen Safety", held in the PUCMM in Santiago, questioned the ease with which known criminals were allowed out on the streets after being arrested and arraigned on charges.

According to Listin Diario, Subero reminded the judges of Supreme Court Resolution 58-2010 which sets out the guidelines that the judges should use when considering the imposition or variation of coercive measures in a criminal case. In that resolution the full Supreme Court said that the judge or court that reviews a coercive measure which consists of preventive custody must provide solid evidence as to why the decision is changed, which means that the judge or court will have to explain fully in its decision just why it is changing the preventive custody. This would include documents or other evidence that appear for the first time on the day of the variation, and which were not in evidence when the initial decision was taken.

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