View Full Version : Neighbors want juvenile offenders out

09-13-2011, 05:20 PM
The residents of the Pastor de Bella Vista sector demonstrated yesterday in demand for the transfer of the Juvenile Corrections and Rehabilitation Center. They marched on the Governor's office to deliver a letter to the Attorney General of the Republic calling for the move. According to Hoy, the president of the Parents and Friends of the School Association in Pastor, Juan Collado, the correctional center is located in the middle of the Salustiana Bans Batista School, the Pastor high school, a health center, the Catholic Church, a sports complex and a police station. He said that there are frequent escapes and riots inside the complex and the police have to use tear gas to and buckshot to quiet things down. He also said that some people there are way over juvenile age, including 23-year old men in the facility. For this reason, drugs, sex and improper displays are occurring on a daily basis. The local residents threatened to suspend the school year unless something is done about the situation. Governor Raul Martinez, a lawyer himself, promised to meet with the members of the community and listen to their demands to convey them to Attorney General Jimenez Pena. The meeting will take place on Friday at 9 in the morning.

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