View Full Version : Clinics will halt service to SFS

09-13-2011, 05:20 PM
The private clinics that belong to the National Association of Private Clinics (Andeclip) announced yesterday the gradual suspension of services, beginning on Thursday to the affiliates of the Family Health Services (SFS), which will affect some 4.5 million subscribers and their families. Andeclip president Dr. Rafael Mena attributed this cutback in service to the fact that the National Social Security Council (CNSS) had failed to comply with the readjustments of the quotas due to inflation. According to El Nuevo Diario, the 7 July agreement was signed after Andeclip suspended services for two weeks, and the agreement said that the SNSS would increase payments for all services by 14%.

This issue is long-standing and goes back many months. Andeclip said that if the inflation rate, as calculated by the Central Bank is not applied to the tariffs for services, they will be suspending all services to the SFS affiliates. They said that on Thursday they will be suspending service to the members of one of the largest health service companies (AFS), and if they receive no answer, they will suspend service to all of the SFS on Monday.

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