View Full Version : Hamilton Campaigns poll

09-14-2011, 06:00 PM
The Hamilton Campaigns poll on the electoral situation in the Dominican Republic shows former President Hipolito Mejia of the PRD leading PLD presidential candidate Danilo Medina with eight months to go for the 20 May 2012 presidential election. Former President Hipolito Mejia (2000-2004) leads with 45% of voter preference. The PLD candidate is next with 45%. Possible PRSC candidate Carlos Morales Troncoso is in third place with 6%, and independent Guillermo Moreno is fourth with 1%.

The poll also asked potential voters with whom they think the PRSC should form an alliance for the 2012 election. 51% said the PLD, 20% said it should run alone, and 14% said with the PRD.

Medina is said to be affected by negative public perceptions of the almost eight-year government of President Fernandez. 39% of voters said the government had been very bad, 32% described it as bad, with 32% describing it as good and 6% describing it as very good.

Nevertheless, 29% favor Medina choosing First Lady Margarita Cedeno, who aspired to the PLD party presidential candidacy, as his running mate. 27% said they favored this moderately. 44% feel the candidacy would greatly help Medina's aspirations, and 25% feel it would help.

Guillermo Moreno has the lowest rejection rate, followed by Carlos Morales Troncoso (6%), Danilo Medina (32%) and Hipolito Mejia (40%).

The pollsters looked into perceptions of the priority issues to be dealt with by President Leonel Fernandez. These were job creation (27%), health services (11%), blackouts (11%), citizen safety (9%), public education (9%), crime and violence (9%), farm sector (8%), drug trafficking (7%) and abuse and violence against women (4%).

1,200 people were polled for the Hamilton Campaigns survey from 1-6 September. The results of the poll were published in a paid advertisement by Danilo Medina's supporters. Hamilton Campaigns is the former Hamilton Staff and Hamilton Beattie.

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