View Full Version : Lots and lots of money

09-15-2011, 06:20 PM
In a flurry of approvals yesterday, the Senate approved four loans for highway and water contracts for a total of US$285 million and two contracts for the execution of projects for another US$336.8 million, as reported in Diario Libre. The loans included one for US$185 million for the Bavaro-Sabana de la Mar highway and the construction of a port terminal in the community of Sabana de la Mar. The senators also approved US$265.3 million for the execution of the same road contract. The loans were granted by the BNDES (the National Bank for Social and Economic Development, a Brazilian export support entity) and the projects will be built by the Norberto Odebrecht Consortium (a Brazilian company).

The other two loans for US$50 million each will be for the construction of the El Rio-Jarabacoa Highway, and the Hermanas Mirabal Aqueduct.

The PLD-majority legislators also approved in a first reading the proposal that would authorize the Banco de Reservas to loan RD$450 million to the City Government of the National District.

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