View Full Version : Expert urges solution to electricity crisis

09-15-2011, 06:20 PM
The former Argentinean Economy Minister Domingo Cavallo is advising the Dominican Republic to concentrate its efforts on dealing with the crisis in the electricity sector on the basis of clear regulations, no matter which model is used. Talking to reporters from El Caribe yesterday, Cavallo, who was also the president of the Central Bank of Argentina said that the Dominican Republic has to introduce some structural changes in the electricity sector in order to solve the crisis. If not, the sector will always be a drag on growth. In essence, he called for clear rules and regulations in the sector and fair competition among all the generators. He said that, number one, the generators with the lowest production costs should be the first to go on-line, and then the ones with higher costs.

During his visit to the Caribe Multimedia Group, Cavallo said that privatization could work if there was sufficient stimulus for the investments that would lower the cost of competition, increase generation and if they allow for the collection of electricity consumed. Cavallo also touched on the need for a tax reform that would not necessarily increase or create taxes but make tax collection more efficient.

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