View Full Version : Medina defends Fernandez administration

09-19-2011, 04:50 PM
In a campaign speech in New York City on Saturday, ruling party presidential Danilo Medina defended the Fernandez administration, highlighting what he called the "positive balance," as reported in Listin Diario.

"There are a bunch of things that the PLD government has done right," he told his followers. The achievements he listed included macroeconomic and exchange rate stability, climate of confidence in investment. He said that the exchange rate and the interest rates as well as consumer price index have experienced stability. He said these are basic things that enable the economy to progress and companies to plan their production.

The newspaper reported that during his campaign visit to NY he was accompanied by the president of the PLD in New York and ambassador to the United Nations Frank Cortorreal, ambassador Luis Lithgow and Ramon Mercedes. Medina attended several events in New York City and New Jersey.

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