View Full Version : Ban Ki-moon agrees with Fernandez

09-20-2011, 05:40 PM
At a meeting held yesterday between UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and Dominican President Leonel Fernandez at the United National headquarters in New York City, the Secretary General told Fernandez that his proposal to create a bloc against speculation with the prices of food, energy and oil would be approved during the course of this year. President Leonel Fernandez is due to present the proposal to the 66th General Assembly of the United Nations Organization (UN) next Thursday. "It was a very cordial meeting, where an atmosphere of understanding of the problem that is presenting itself prevailed. The secretary was very pleased that the issue has been presented and he congratulated the Dominican Republic for taking this initiative," said Fernandez when interviewed by Dominican media.

The Dominican leader added that Ban Ki-moon put him in contact with his personal assistant on the issue of Food Security, David Nabarro, in order to work with the Dominican Republic on this issue, with the aim of passing the resolution this year. "They feel that it is an matter of great importance for world peace and for maintaining stability, and they congratulated the Dominican Republic for placing it on the General Assembly's agenda," he said. Fernandez said that with this aim in mind they have moved forward on several points where the proposal of speculation can be suggested. "But there is full recognition, I would say unanimous, in the sense that in effect the factor of financial speculation in the futures markets in influencing prices, both of foods as well as oil, and that this is an aspect that has to be dealt with, controlled and regulated in order to reduce the impact it is having on our economies," he told the media. Ban Ki-moon also advised the Dominican president to take his proposal on financial speculation before the G-20.

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