View Full Version : Fernandez at UN this afternoon

09-22-2011, 02:40 PM
President Leonel Fernandez will address the 66th United Nations General Assembly this afternoon. He is submitting a resolution aimed at reducing financial speculation in international food and oil prices. The President's speech, which is scheduled for 3:45pm will be transmitted by CDN 37, Telecentro, CRTV, Tele 15 and other stations. Fernandez, who has been in New York City since last Sunday, has received backing for his proposal from dozens of countries, governments and world leaders, who agree that speculation threatens world economic stability.

Last Monday, during a meeting with Fernandez, UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon said that the resolution would be approved during the course of this year, and appointed a personal assistant to work towards this end. The UN General Assembly formally began yesterday, with a speech by Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, followed by United States President Barack Obama, and later by Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff, as reported in the Presidency web site.

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