View Full Version : No drinking and driving

12-28-2006, 05:00 PM
The Interior and Police Ministry has decided to enforce the resolution issued this summer that makes it illegal for passengers and drivers to drink alcoholic beverages in their vehicles. The measure also calls for the transit authority (AMET) to use sobriety tests and breathalyzers to determine if a driver is under the influence of alcohol. This measure seeks to reduce the amount of vehicular casualties. The government will be buying between 1,000 and 1,200 breathalyzers in order to equip AMET officials. The law also says that bottles containing alcohol must be sealed if carried by the passenger or driver, otherwise they must be stored in the trunk. If a driver is caught drinking and driving he will have his car towed away, and will be arrested and fined. The resolution was originally passed on 25 July 2006, when the limit on the sale of alcohol was passed, but there is no word on why it wasn't enforced until now.
In the DR, drinking and driving has been part of the culture, with booze vending drive-ins and sales at gasoline stations allowed by the government.

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